Name Start bit Length (in bits) Type Description Conversion
state_uart_dir 0 8 uint [NO DOC STRING] -
state_uart_write 8 8 uint [NO DOC STRING] -
state_uart_read 16 8 uint [NO DOC STRING] -
tm_trxvu_buffer 24 8 uint Trxvu TmBuffer AvailFrames -
tc_trxvu_buffer 32 16 uint Trxvu TcBuffer FrameCount -
tm_l0_in_fifo 48 16 uint Number of Packet L0ComManager fifo to ground tm_l0_in_fifo/30.0*100
l1_to_ground2_in_fifo 64 16 uint Number of Packet in buffer2 for ground l1_to_ground2_in_fifo/3000.0*100
l1_to_ground1_in_fifo 80 16 uint Number of Packet in buffer1 for ground l1_to_ground1_in_fifo/1000.0*100
techno_pld_in_fifo 96 16 uint Number of Packet in PldTechno techno_pld_in_fifo/2000.0*100
processed_in_fifo 112 16 uint Number of Packet in Fifo with processed data processed_in_fifo/15000.0*100
raw_science1_in_fifo 128 16 uint Number of Packet in rawscience fifo raw_science1_in_fifo/10000.0*100
raw_science2_in_fifo 144 16 uint Number of Packet in temporary science fifo raw_science2_in_fifo/30000.0*100
hk_pld_in_fifo 160 16 uint Number of Packet in PldHKFifo hk_pld_in_fifo/5000.0*100
hk_l1_in_fifo 176 16 uint Number of Packet in L1HKFifo hk_l1_in_fifo/3000.0*100
bad_high 192 32 uint High part of SD Card if greater than 4GB -
bad 224 32 uint Bad bytes on the SD Card. -
used_high 256 32 uint High part of SD Card if greater than 4GB -
used 288 32 uint Used bytes on the SD Card. -
free_high 320 32 uint High part of SD Card if greater than 4GB -
free 352 32 uint Free bytes on the SD Card. -
total_high 384 32 uint High part of SD Card if greater than 4GB -
total 416 32 uint Total size in bytes of the SD Card. -