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Unravelling the Beta Pictoris System
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2022-07-31 17:13:24 UTC

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Other Resources


Picsat on Wikipedia
Beta-Pictoris Star System Info Sheet


Video of the PSLV-C40 launch that carried PicSat ( YouTube )
Animated sequence of images of Beta-Pictoris b, showing the planet move with respect to the star ( YouTube and Vimeo ) (Millar-Blanchaer, M.A., et al. (2015). β PICTORIS' INNER DISK IN POLARIZED LIGHT AND NEW ORBITAL PARAMETERS FOR β PICTORIS b. AJ 811, p.18. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/811/1/18 )
ESOcast 18: Exoplanet Caught on the Move (10 June 2010). ESO1024a .
The motion of Beta Pictoris b (10 June 2010). This sequence shows composite images of the disc around Beta Pictoris, as well as the position of the planet as seen by the NACO instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in 2003 and in autumn 2009. ESO1024b .
Planet and Disc around Beta Pictoris (10 June 2010). This video sequence shows an artist’s impression of the disc and the planet around the young star Beta Pictoris. ESO1024c .
Planet and disc around Beta Pictoris (10 June 2010). This video sequence shows an artist’s impression of the disc and the planet around the young star Beta Pictoris. ESO1024d .
Zooming on Beta Pictoris b (10 June 2010). This video zooms from of wide region around Beta Pictoris, towards the planetary system itself, showing the disc surrounding the star and the planet as seen with ESO’s Very Large Telescope. ESO1024e .

ESO Images and Press Releases

Two Families of Comets Found Around Nearby Star: Biggest census ever of exocomets around Beta Pictoris (22 October 2014). ESO1432 - Science Release .
Around Beta Pictoris (6 March 2014). ESO1024d .
Exoplanet Caught on the Move (10 June 2010). ESO1024 — Science Release .
Beta Pictoris planet finally imaged? (21 November 2008). ESO0842 - Science Release .
New Detailed Image of the Disk around Beta Pictoris (11 June 1997). ESO9714 — Photo Release .
Possible Planetary System Photographed Around Nearby Star (5 January 1987). ESO8701 — Science Release .

Eso1024b Artist' impression of the planet Beta-Pictoris b (ESO/Luís Calçada)